The proofreading service behind these brilliant brands
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The Ideal Corporate Proofreader For You
Value for money
Prices tailored to your needs
We believe that quality proofreading shouldn’t break the bank. So, no matter the type or size of your commercial project, we’re here to provide top-notch editing services at a price that suits your budget.
Order online in minutes
Designed with user-friendliness in mind, our online portal will ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience. Upload your document, tell us what you need, manage payment and download your file when it's ready.
Quick turnarounds
Fast proofreading for all kinds of commercial work
Time is of the essence, which is why we can return your polished document to you in as little as 2 hours, ensuring that you meet those tight deadlines without compromising on quality.
How will our editors proofread your document?
We’ll get rid of typography errors and make sure all spellings are consistent with either British English or American English depending on your audience.
We will spot and correct even the subtlest of punctuation errors, from misused hyphens to out-of-place Oxford commas.
We'll review your document for any grammar issues, eliminating awkward phrasing and ensuring that your sentences are clear and coherent.
We will review factors like number formatting, acronym reductions and italicisation to make sure they are used consistently throughout.
Document formatting
Whether it’s adjusting margins, setting consistent fonts, or creating appropriate headings, we’ll make your document visually appealing and easy to navigate.
Two versions
You’ll receive one ‘clean’ version of your document, and another with tracked changes so you can view comments from your editor.
Proofreading Plus
By refining sentence structure and breaking up dense paragraphs, we help you convey your ideas in a concise way keeping your audience engaged.
Proofreading Plus
Style and tone
We’ll make sure the language you use is suitable for the audience you’re targeting (and showing off your products and services in the best light).
Proofreading Plus
If something’s not quite right, we’ll leave feedback in the document using Microsoft Word’s comment function.